|   |  | Noah and I met at a Lesa-Houston Valentine's Day Party, on March 15th 2003. Don't ask me why a Valentine's Day party was taking place in March, and not February, because I have no answer for you. What I do know for sure is that Lesa brought us together on that fateful day in March. This is how it went... Half-way through what would've been a rather routine party, I recall a friend asking me if he could introduce me to his friend who had just arrived here from Germany. He thought his friend would make a "good man" for me. Well, I was not interested in meeting anyone, let alone starting a relationship at that point in my life, and I said so in no uncertain terms. However, while glancing in the direction of the recently immigrated German friend, someone speaking in a rather animated manner, and wearing a pair of shiny gold rim glasses, navy blue jacket, and red pants, caught my attention. So I flippantly said to my friend that I might be interested if the brightly dressed man at the bar were his German friend. His response? "No he is and and Forget it!" lol. Nonetheless, a few minutes later, my friend would come around with the brightly dressed stranger to introduce us. The moment Noah reached out to shake my hand, with this broad warm smile on his face, I knew! The rest, like they say, is history! |
 |  | "Well, I was attending this party in Houston. I don't recall who was having the party or why. I just happened to be standing by the bar, "sharking" (drinking) and talking to the guys when a friend came running towards me. He said he wanted to introduce me to this "serious ngah (girl)". At first I was hesitant because I had just ended a long-term relationship and "serious" was the last thing or person I was looking for at that point in my life. However, when this friend showed me who she was, well, I thought she was cute so I immediately decided I wanted to meet her. As I approached Edith and reached out to shake her hand, she smiled, stared into my eyes, and noticing how unbelieveably handsome I was, fell for me immediately. I took her digits and the rest, like they say, is history! |