| We started dating shortly after we met in March 2003. Noah was still in school and living in Lake Jackson, Texas--quite a distance from Dallas, Texas where I had landed my first job after graduating from Texas A&M University. Inspite of the distance, we were committed to commuting every weekend to see each other. Whether it was the fatigue of driving/flying between the two cities or pure excitement, Noah asked and I agreed to marry him a bare 6 weeks after meeting. So we drove to a Dallas County coutroom in downtown Dallas on this fateful Tuesday morning, unaccompanied by any family or friends, and announced our intention to marry. Turns out in Dallas, as in almost all counties in the country, you have to apply for a license first and wait a minimum of 3 days before you can be married by a judge. The nerve of them to make us wait--3 whole days?!!! What for?? We were indignant! Lol. Suffice to say we left the courtroom deflated and very disappointed. We would return 14 months later, this time with baby Noah in tow as the only witness to our vows exchange ceremony, just like we wanted it. We would proceed to celebrate with a simple meal at a local restaurant afterwards, with hopes of one day celebrating with you--our beloved family & friends--in a much grander way, like we plan to do this June in Cancun:) |