I noticed Rima at work and I was instantly intrigue, something about her I liked. I had actually noticed her speaking to my boss and I called him to ask what he knew about her. He told me basic things that we all know about Rima, she is smart, has a good head on her shoulders, a thinker, oh and she wasn't married. Once I found out she wasn't married I had to decide what to do, since we are at work and all, I need to find out more about her.
We then started working on a project toghether and I started asking questions trying to get to know her, I was totally impressed with her. We started emailing, then texting back and fourth for a few days,
From Rima's story: I invited her on a fishing/camping trip, assuming there was no way she would go, afterall she barely knew me. Well, she accepted the invitation shortly after and we went along with my two boys, Carter and Jack at that time 5 and 8. I figured they were the reason she felt she could trust me enought to accept my invitation, I mean who could turn down Carter and Jack? Well the trip went great, we went fishing, we held hands, I couldn't help I fell for her, she had me!
Just two weeks later I asked her if she would be my girlfriend, she said No, LOL, well we all know now she changed her mind!
Carter (10) and Jackson (7) are the most important people in my life, of course all my family is imortant but I'm happy to say Rima has joined the ranks of my boys in my eyes and I am very happy to have met her and have her infulence in my life and in my kids' life, they love her almost as much as I do, she makes me a better person and I am looking forward to the rest of my life with her.