| If you ask Joel he'll tell you we were friends but I always loved him, but if you want the real story then ask me...We were always friends but he always loooved me. We met in high school through one of my cousins. Joel went to Utica High School and I went to Eisenhower High School. My cousin Christina introduced us at a New Years get-together and since then we had remained friends. In my senior year of High School I asked Joel to go to prom with me of which he so kindly did even though it was only 6 days away and he didn't have a suit. I went away to college but we always saw eachother when I was in town here or there to catch up. Of course one of us was always in a relationship. When I began school in Miami, Fl we began talking and texting more often and after spending some time together while I was home for a holiday I realized I cared about him more than friends. At the airport minutes from boarding my flight I called him to very nervously tell him how I felt about him. Before he could respond I got on my flight and had to sit for 2.5 hours wondering how he felt. Needless to say we decided to go for it and it was the best thing we could have ever imagined! |