| Born in Ohio to Daniel and Debra in the great year 1989. When I was 10, the family moved out in the country which left plenty of time for 4-wheeling, bike riding, and paintballing. When I turned 18, to the tears of my mother, I left home to attend The University of Akron. My time at Akron was fantastic, I met some of my best friends and the good times never seemed to end. After 2 years there, my dad threw us a curveball and took a job way out in Albuquerque, New Mexico. At first I jokingly thought “Do they even have running water in New Mexico?” But the more I thought about it, I decided to take a chance and move out there with the parents. And let me tell you, I am so happy I did. I began classes at the University of New Mexico and soon started meeting some great people, most of them I still consider my best friends. Moving there is an experience that I will never forget and I encourage everyone to travel to New Mexico at some point in their lives. It truly is a beautiful place.
But all good things come to an end eventually, and when I graduated, I had to put on my big-boy pants and start my career. By then, my dad found a great job right outside of DC and so with a heavy heart, I left New Mexico and moved to Northern Virginia. You know, they say things happen for a reason and I think I’m starting to believe that. Not 3 months into living in Virginia, I walk into a bar before kickball and I meet the girl of my dreams. Of course I was shy so it took another month for me to muster up the courage to even talk to her. But thankfully, I did. And as my story ends, the story of Alex and I is just beginning.
In the couple's downtime, they enjoy catching up on Game of Thrones, attending Washington Nationals baseball games, playing Kan Jam and grilling in the backyard, participating in their Adult Kickball League, competing in Disney Scene It and just lounging around with their pup, Riley, and of course... TRAVELING whenever they can! :o) |