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Both Jeff & Alex joined an adult Kickball league in Reston, VA. Jeff was captain of his team and Alex was on the board as Charity Chair.  

April 4, 2013, the two attended the Captains Meeting followed by the season's Meet & Greet.  The next day, April 5th happened to be Alex's birthday.  As such, her roommate and friends convinced her to stay out until the clock struck midnight.  Her roommate noticed Jeff was new to the league (having just moved here from Albuquerque), and invited him to meet the group.  At midnight, Jeff, Alex and the group toasted to Alex's birthday.  Little did Jeff & Alex know that, that would be the first of many toasts together.

The season began and the two had little interaction.  Alex was busy being a social butterfly and Jeff was too shy to approach her.  Jeff was invited over for a barbeque and two began to interact.  

One kickball Thursday, Alex invited Jeff to join the group at Friday Night Live (outdoor concerts in the Summertime).  It was on this Friday night, listening to the live music, that Jeff went to get a drink, came back, walked right up to Alex and kissed her.  The two began dating on May 18, 2013.