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and started to get up to go to the bathroom. As I started to move Tim grabbed me and I thought ok he's being super wierd early in the morning. I broke free and went to the bathroom with my eyes half closed. As I was washing my hands I felt something on my finger; I opened my eyes then looked down and saw a sparkly ring! Now, anyone that knows me should know that I know next to nothing about jewelry, so my first thought was this can't be real.

When I walked back into the room he asked me to marry him and I, of course, said yes! Then I asked "Is this real?" LOL. That was a silly question; my Timmy goes overboard with everything and this was no exception :)

...finally I thought, as she lay with a cadaver like stillness drifting into a deep slumber. This was my chance. Overcome with the euphoria that accompanies watching a master plan unfold. I struck!......LOL 

     Wellllll actually it was quite the opposite. Michelle was sleep and I was a nervous wreck. I had plan, a risky plan but a plan nonetheless. Replaying over and over in my head was Michelle telling me, "All I want is a romantic proposal". It was now or never. It took me 30 minutes of checking and maneuvering her arm and I still didn't know how the ring would fit. I grabbed her hand in a quasi snuggle maneuver (not for beginners) and started to slide the ring on. The ring went on easier than I thought (how anticlimactic). After that I just feel asleep hoping that somehow this would come off as romantic.