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Palace Resorts Honeymoon Registry - Powered by Honeymoon Wishes
The Couple
Wedding Party
Family & Friends
Gift Registry

We just wanted to take this time to thank all of our family and friends for making this moment actually happen.


Queremos darle las gracias a todos nuestros amigos y familiares por ayudarnos hacer este dia posible. 


We don't know where we would be without all of the support you have all given us.


No sabriamos donde estariamos sin todo el apoyo que nos han brindado.


Thank you and we hope to have many more new family moments and we also hope that our friends will be able to all get together and find out about each other. We think you are all so wonderful and know we would have the best times together!


Gracias y esperamos tener muchos mas nuevos momentos familiares y tambien esperamos que se puedan conocer unos a otros. Todos ustedes son unas personas maravillosas y tendran unos de los mejores momentos.