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Palace Resorts Honeymoon Registry - Powered by Honeymoon Wishes
The Couple
Wedding Party
Family & Friends
Gift Registry

After some time and hard work trying to find the perfect wedding venue. We have decided to wed at the Moon Palace Golf & Spa Resort on the Tucan Beach at 4:00 p.m. Our dream wedding is going to come true - sharing this experience with the ones we love and care for in a natural beach setting with the beautiful ocean and sound of the waves. We cannot wait!

Despues de un largo tiempo y mucho trabajo en buscar el lugar perfecto hemos decidido casarnos en la Playa Tucan del Moon Palace Golf and Spa Resort a las 4:00 p.m. Nuestro sueno se hara realidad con las personas que queremos y apreciamos - junto al lindo sonido del mar y sus holas. No podriamos esperarnos mas!