|  | Cherie Chan
I'm Cherie! I've known judy for 20 yrs, since we became best friends in junior high school. We were inseparable! I was so thankful because I found myself with not just a new friend, but also a partner in crime to face the everyday preteen girl drama with. ;) Fast forward 20 yrs later, we have both certainly changed but there's no doubt that we have an even deeper and amazing friendship that flourished with time, effort, and appreciation. <3 |
 | Sarah Ng
Hi! I’m Sarah, one of Judy’s bridesmaids. We have been friends for many years and I’m so happy to be a part of her special day! We met thru Cherie who is Judy’s Maid of Honor. Cherie introduced us when we were in junior high but we got closer in high school. We have shared many good times together where it was always filled with lots of chatter and laughter. No matter how long its been, Judy and I can always pick up from where we left off. |
 | Jenny Wong
Hi!! I'm Jenny and I met Judy as college suite-mates. We went from being roomies to besties and have shared so many memories together. I'm so glad to have met Judy 13 years ago! |
 | Rachel So-Choi
Judy and I have a special friendship where we met through our spouses. Four years ago, to Judy's birthday dinner, I was invited as Mike's (the Bes t man) guest . Judy and I found ourselves sitting next to each other and immediately we engaged in a pleasant and comfortable conversation as if we've known each other previously. Since then, we ' ve become friends that not only share our love for travel, food, wine , Dunkel and exploding kittens but also have gone through both good and bad moments in our lives together. It is a privilege to be part of Rich & Judy's big day and I cannot wait to celebrate their special day as her bride s maid. |
 | Hannah McEwen
"Wakey wakey!" Those were the words that Judy would greet me with every morning while we lived together. During that time, I learned that Judy sleeps with one leg out when she's hot, wakes up and heads straight to the refrigerator, often makes up her own words or phrases, walks sideways, and likes to "pre-eat" before having a major meal. Although I truly enjoyed learning all of Judy's quirks, the most important thing I learned from her was about friendship. See, Judy is one of the greatest friends I've ever had. Time and time again, Judy had reminded me of what a good friend is. She has driven from NY to PA just to see me for the day, has stuck by me when I've gone through tough times, and has never let distance change our friendship. As a side note, we are just over 30 and still share a twin bed. I see Judy more like a sister than a friend. Because of this, I feel both honored and priviledged to be part of Judy and Rich's big day. I cannot wait to celebrate their love! |
  | Mike Choi
My name is Mike Choi and I have the honor of being Rich's best man. Our friendship began back in Y2K (year 2000) and since then it has grown profoundly. But I think our true friendship started 4 years ago when we spent Valentine's Day together in Atlantic City. (Whatever happened there shall remain there) Our love for food, sports, beer and traveling has brought us even closer. I am truly grateful to have Rich as a close friend and am excited to be a part in celebrating his next chapter in life with the future Mrs Kwok-to-be.
 | Terence Leung
My name is Terence Leung and I have the privilege to be one of rich’s groomsmen.
I do not remember when or how I met Rich in high school, but it doesn’t matter. When I try to think back, I don’t get a sense of time, but just the feeling of a strong, brother like bond that is irreplaceable. I’m truly happy he found Judy in his life because a great guy like Rich, deserves such a great girl like Judy.
I will always remember when I first met Judy. He brought her to my family restaurant to have dimsum. Not official at time, but definitely the beginning of something magical. I was more surprised Rich was able to find such a beautiful girl! Haha just kidding. But aside from jokes, they have turned into one of the cutest couples I ever witness. Rich, always so calculating with his serious demeanor. Judy, always full of joy and life. They complement each other so well and are like two sides of a coin. Different, but together are one. I am more than honored to be a groomsmen for Rich and Judy. Blessed to be part of their wedding party and to witness their special day together.
 | Brian Chun
I first met Rich during freshman year of high school. The earliest memory I have of Rich is the time he fell of his bike with our dear Daniel Olsen riding behind him. Talk about a first impression. From there becoming friends was seamless, as we discovered we shared many of the same interests. Over the years after all the birthdays, Fourth of Julys, days killing time together, and nights of finding the bottom of a bottle, my friendship with Rich has made me one of his groomsmen.
And after all that time, I’ve come to know him as a fellow man I deeply respect, someone I would gladly share a foxhole with. Because in the 15+ years I’ve known him, Rich has always lived his life 120%, never letting a moment go by wasted. Whether it’s research for terrible fantasy football teams or just simply enjoying good food and drink, Rich gives it his all. He constantly reminds me that there is no time like the present. For that and many, many other things I thank him for being my friend and am honored to be one of his groomsmen for this joyous occasion.
Congratulations to Richard and Judy! Rich, you are truly a lucky man because by definition a “dream girl” can’t exist, but yet you’re marrying the girl of your dreams.
 | Eddie Kim
My name is Eddie Kim. I spent most of my life residing in Queens, and Long Island, NY. I have known Rich since the beginning of sophomore year in high school. We became friends very quickly since we had many things in common: we both moved to Long Island around the same time (about a year apart to be exact), and we shared similar interests from different types of food to indoor/outdoor activities. Though our friendship in the earlier years has been an insane roller coaster ride, our bond has gotten much stronger as we got older. I consider Rich not only a great friend, but I brother of mine, and I am truly honored to be a part of his celebration. |