| We will never forget the day; it was May 24th, 2013. Dominica just arrived home from work, and didn’t seem to be in the best mood. She passed the dining area a few times and saw two gift bags on the table. Dominica thinks to herself, "What is this"? Tony says he has a gift for me on the table but I can only open one. I say, "Ok", and I decided to go in the dining area and open it about twenty minutes later. I open the gift bag and it’s a scented candle. Oh joy, “thanks for the candle babe.” He then tells me to look a little closer, after opening the candle I find a key in the packaging. I said, “What is this for?” He said, “I know how you like aromatherapy scents in the home and it comes with the other gift which you should open now.” I open the other gift bag and found this beautiful three stone diamond ring inside. It was a rare moment where I found myself speechless. It was one of the happiest moments of my life. We have been discussing marriage for some time now, but I was still genuinely surprised. It all became real in that moment...we are getting married!