Please make all your Hotel Accommodations through the following link as it will allow guests to get the group discount on their rooms and enhance their overall experience at the Le Blanc Spa (Three night stay minimum for discounted rate).
Stays of 3 nights will receive up to $500 in resort credits.
Stays of 4 nights will receive up to $750 in resort credits.
Stays of 5-8 nights will receive up to $1500 in resort credits.
Stays of 9-11 nights will receive up to $2000 in resort credits.
Stays of 12 nights or more will receive $2500 in resort credits.
Resort Credits can be used for spa services, golf, selected tours, etc.
Kiann and Jason will be arriving on April 16th and departing April 21st.
If you would like to attend the wedding and stay at a different hotel/resort in Cancun please let us know so we can secure a wedding day guest pass for you at the resort, thank you.
Teri Waataja, International Travel Consultant,
Preferred Adventures Ltd. One West Water Street, Suite 300,
St Paul, MN 55107
651-222-8131 / 800-840-8687 / Fax: 651-222-4221