| These are the people that will be standing by our side. Thank you for the love and support. We have created great memories and we can't wait to create more.  |  |  | My baby sister Angie, also known as my taro partner, I can still remember when you were small. You were the cutest, well-behaved little girl and nothing has changed. Now, you are currently in college and I could not been more proud! I love our trips to Lollicup, Yogurtland and who can forget Phoenix! Did you remember that time when the family went to the Pasadena Rose Parade? It was around 6 in the morning and people were asleep on the streets, waiting for the parade to start. You and I were both FREEZING and decided to head back to the car, when I completely missed the curb and fell flat on my face. Everybody just gawked. Completely Awkward!! Oh..I miss our endless giggles and good times. Even though we are many years apart, I love our sisterly bond. My baby sister, my best friend, I love you! |
 |  |  | Since Krysta vacations in the Philippines a lot, it was always a cherished occasion to be with my cousin. My fondest memories with her always revolved around summer trips and the holiday seasons.
I remember one specific summer with Krysta, I just got my learners permit and I was super excited to take my aunt's van for a drive. Krysta was strapped in her car-seat and seemed as excited to be in the car as I was. I was so eager to start driving (especially to have that feeling of independence) that I started up the car before my aunt came out of the garage. I put the car into gear, not realizing I put the car in neutral, I stepped on the gas and the van made a loud roar! I immediately screamed, my aunt started yelling but Krysta laughed and thought it was the coolest thing! As you can see Krysta always had much faith in me.
I miss you and I know it’s tough to see you because you travel back and forth to the Philippines. So that’s why I feel very honored that you can be one of my bridesmaids.
 |  |  | I met and got to know Pinky through Optometry school. Even though Optometry school challenged you every day and night with weekly exams, late night practice sessions in the lab and waking up at the crack of dawn for morning classes, Pinky was there for me all four years. If it was not sharing notes and grabbing packets for each other, it was dancing and drinking mojitos. Pinky was there through the good times and bad times and that to me was truly priceless.
Funny story, we actually went to Cancun for our Spring Break, where we ate so much guacamole that I thought we were going to burst! Seriously, it was amazing how much guacamole the two of us could eat! I am so happy to have her be with me again in Cancun, except this time we will control ourselves, that way we will fit in our dresses..but no promises after the ceremony. |
 |  |  | Interestingly enough, Stephanie and I were only mere acquaintances back in undergrad. Even back then I could tell that she was very friendly but since we didn't go to the same school we didn't have a chance to hang out. As fate would have it, I moved to Atlanta and was reminded by my sis, Charmie, that Stephanie too lived in Atlanta. Despite the fact that we have only known each other a few months, I knew instantly that Stephanie would be one of those good long-term friends. She is so kind and well-mannered that being around her brings out the best in you! But don't let her soft spoken manner fool you; she can throw an awesome and classy party! Being stuck in grad school mode, I was accustomed to grungy keg parties with appetizers consisting of stale Doritos! Stephanie came in and showed me the right way to party. Simply put, Stephanie is just a fun, loving person that you can’t help but want to be around.
  |  |  | CJ and I became best friends freshman year of high school during Spanish of all classes. Our friendship quickly developed over our common love for soccer, espionage, video games (metal gear solid 2), punk rock, The Offspring, live shows and Irish jigs just to name a few. CJ is one of my friends who just gets me. Sometimes we don't even need to exchange words. He and I are almost always on the same wavelength. When we play strip spades against the chicas we never lose! Seriously, those Dos Equis commercials about the most interesting man in the world best describe our joint exploits. CJ is the kind of guy who I know I can always count on. Thanks for always being there for me Ciege! CJ is currently attending Medical School at the University Of Miami Miller School of Medicine. When CJ is not saving lives in foreign nations and being a total humanitarian he can be found getting in touch, with nature. Hiking, biking, kayaking, streaking...if it can be done in nature, it's for him! Smart and adventurous....he is all yours ladies. |
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I would never have guessed that I would have met another one of my closest friends while doing undergraduate neuroscience research at USF. As fate would have it, Anthony, Justin and I all ended up going to Nova for our respective degrees. To be honest, what made graduate school even tolerable was having my two closest buddies close by. If you were lucky enough to be out with the three of us you were guaranteed an awesome night and at minimum, some late night Taco Bell! Some of my favorite times at school was when Justin and I would chill on the couch and kick-back some bud-lights. Justin always has this "air" about him that always puts everyone at ease. I don't think I have ever seen the dude panic! We would have 5 exams in a row, I would be stressed to the max; but Justin would be as calm as the ocean. He would just laugh and say things like 1 down 4 to go! Dr. Justin Lieneck currently practices dentistry in Florida. When Justin isn't to busy fixing teeth and creating bright smiles you can find him at the beach with his wife surfing the waves. Or you will find him geared up in USF apparel, at the bar, with a cold one in his hand, cheering on his favorite team: USF Bulls!