| The proposal was so perfectly us. Before I can explain the proposal I need to give some background informaiton.
When i was a kid I followed my dad around everywhere "helping" him. Whenever he had to go into the attic I wanted ot go. Our attic was the typical attic, dirty, filled with stuff, insulatation everyewhere, and just generally not a place you want a kid. So my dad would let me into the attic with him but I had to stay on the second to top step. When I moved in with Josh I realized the attic was off the master bedroom. i told Josh about my facination with the attic as a kid and immediatly went into the attic. I then proceded to follow Josh into the attic every time he had to go into it. Once I knew Josh was going to propose I began following him into the attic and shaking boxes asking, "Which one did you hide my ring in?"
The day Josh proposed was a Tuesday. I was very tired and not feeling great. It was around 8:30pm and I just wanted to get ready for bed. At this point Josh insists I help him bring a box into the attic. I am immediatly annoyed and make sure he knows it. As I walk by he says, "Can I get a hug?" I am so mad I say, "No! Let's just get this done." and then I procede to stomp up the attic stairs. I get into the attic and as I turn around to get the box from Josh, something pink catches my eye. I do a double take and sitting there is a stuffed animal. It was not just any stuffed animal either. It was a stuffed animal that was the same as the stufed animal I took everywhere with me for YEARS. I loved this thing to death. My mom spent countless hours patching, sewing, stuffing, and cleaning this stuffed animal. It eventually just became rags but I still took it everywhere. She says she still has it somewhere but I doubt there is anything left. Josh found a collector online and purchased the same stuffed animal. Sitting in this stuffed animal is an engagement ring. The rest is pretty typical, I cried, he got down on one knee and proposed, etc. Now the stuffed animal named, Puff 2, sits in our bedroom. I will try not to love this one to death.....Josh gets that privlidge now :) Oh and, I appologized for being a jerk about putting stuff away in the attic. |