| Chaowie and Josiah met one Friday night in Flushing, NY.
The sky was clear, and the evening air was fresh and crisp, waiting for an adventure to happen. And by all accounts, everything was lined up so perfectly that night that Josiah could say he was lucky, prepared, or both. Josiah met up with his friends for a church outing, and after making sure they had their Groupons, they arrived at their destination twenty minutes later.
Some people were there to relax, while others took it more seriously. Josiah was in the second group, and he ruthlessly knocked down those perfectly lined pins, ten at a time. So when Chaowie walked through the door, he had the perfect set up - the high score of the night. And the rest is history.
….if only it were that easy.
It turned out Chaowie wasn’t particularly impressed by a high bowling score, and since there were two individuals with the initials JC that night, she didn’t even think that Josiah was the JC with the high score. And neither was she impressed by his magic trick in making a business card disappear from plain sight. In fact, anything Josiah thought was impressive seemed to backfire in his face. But by the grace of God she found something about him to be different, because when he walked out that night, her phone number was sitting safely on his phone.
And so they started talking. Chaowie was very technical, and taught Josiah how to use basic functions on his new smartphone. Actually, Chaowie really just made fun of how little Josiah knew about tech stuff, which led to him learning it on his own by Googling it. But the account varies depending on who you ask. Josiah, on the other hand, would teach Chaowie about mutual funds and how to invest in her 401k. And so they began to spend a little more time with each other, and of course - the rest is history.