1 Week Guests 13th - 20th August
Deposit Paid: £250 per person
Outstanding Balance: £1065 per person
Payment method: All balances can be settled either by phone or visiting your local Thomas Cook. You will need to ensure travel operator puts a note on the system showing your name and what you have paid to date.
Reference Number: GT10489J
2 Week Guests 13th - 27th August
Deposit Paid: £250 per person
Outstanding Balance: £1610 per person
Payment method: All balances can be settled either by phone or visiting your local Thomas Cook. You will need to ensure travel operator puts a note on the system showing your name and what you have paid to date.
Reference Number: GT10490J
All guests can make payments whenever they wish but all balances must be settled on or before the 7th May 2012