| It was on the eve of Thanksgiving, all our boys were out of school and I wanted to do something with our family, so I suggested, Discovery Green. Little did I know that Tutu had a surprise for me. We bundled our boys up and decided to take them to discovery green, in hopes that Lincoln would get to test out the ice skating rink!
We got there and the line for the ice skating rink was a mile long, so we decided to take the kids to play at the park, ordered some hot chocalate. We were just watching our boys play and enjoying in conversations with each other. Next thing, Tutu suggested a carriage ride with our boys.
I agreed to take the carriage ride, only because I thought it was for our son, Lincoln. I knew that we both didn't carry cash, but Tutu negotiated some deal with the carriage man. So we all uploaded on the carriage ride: Tutu, Lincoln, Winston and me. We were enjoying the ride, I was sitting by myself, across from my boys: Tutu, Lincoln and Winston.
Next thing, I see Tutu getting down on the platform of the carriage ride, but I didn't think anything of it, actually, I asked Tutu, "Are you okay? Are you stuck inbetween the blankets?!" So Tutu froze up for a minute and sat back down on the carriage ride chair.
The carriage ride turns around the block, it stops, because Tutu needed to stop into the nearest ATM to pay for our carriage ride! He does just that, comes back out from the ATM. He hands Winston to Lincoln, so that Lincoln can hold and care for his baby brother, Winston.
Tutu covers me in a blanket, we start talking about how the year has flown by already, that we're in disbelief that tomorrow is Thanksgiving already, and as we were looking at our boys, we were in awe. Tutu was flumbling through the blanket and I was wondering, what the heck is he doing?! Then, a box appears, a tiny grey box appears with a ring and Tutu is just smiling. Tutu takes a moment, states: Babe, will you marry me?, but then rephrases it, "You know I love you, will you do me the honor of being my wife?"
I was in shock, in awe, stunned by this surprise, in tears, and of course accepted by saying, "Yes!"